
Shrine Clearing for Samhain

After the depression spiral I clear the cobwebs...and offer a gift!

My Pisces sun and ADHD brought me a lifelong affliction of major depressive disorder, anxiety and executive dysfunction. The tools and coping mechanisms gained through my practice of Witchcraft keep me steady, balanced, and accomplishing what needs to get done, most of the time.

Then over the last few years I’ve crossed the threshold of menopause into my “Queen” phase of life. That was not an easy transition for me. I emerged from the hormone-deprived brain-fog and hysterectomy recovery into an election year. That didn’t help matters, either.

Let’s just say that the election results on November 5th were not at all what I hoped would happen. Frankly, I am ashamed of what our country has become. I recognize now that I’ve been in a funk since this happened back in 2016. What with all this Fascist Republican talk of “Project 2025,” I’m even more appalled by where Ameerica is headed.

The scariest feeling for me in this post-election hellscape is the numbness and hopelessness throughout my five-fold self. I truly do not understand how this timeline is possible. It is the nightmare from which we did not wake.

Today is astrological Samhain, or High Autumn. So, in an effort to overcome my burning desire to hide under my covers, I cleaned up my outdoor shrine instead. I’ve been hard at work at my laptop, working on my next book, Lunar Witchcraft, so it’s been too long since I’ve spent time in my outdoor sacred space. In honor of my beloved dead, today I laid some offerings of the mini-pumpkins and marigold flowers that volunteered from last year’s fallen seeds.

Samhain is a time to honor our ancestors, and peer across the veil into the mysterious beyond. During elemental water’s receptive tide of “acceptance,” I accept death’s place in the cycles of life. All living things here in the middleworld eventually fall. They rest for awhile and then rise again in the next cycle. That message is a spark of hope within this descending darkness.

Pentacle Path Students! A Gift!

The Mourning Moon in Taurus is approaching - November 14 — and our new students along The Pentacle Path of Elemental Witchcraft On-line Course are preparing for their dedications. I’ve heard from many of my readers who are working this magick on their own that they cannot afford the tuition for the course at this time. Given the election results, and the dire need for our community to regain balance and empowerment, we are now offering a yuletide gift of 35% off of the tuition through the end of 2024. We dearly hope this helps more of you to join us. We need all the support we can get.

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